Iavoided de-tensioning and re-tensioning my bandsaw blade because the three-point knob and threaded shaft on my machine was such a pain to use. Here’s how I put convenience into that chore.
First, remove the knob and threaded-shaft. Replace them with a 3⁄8 "-16 threaded rod topped with two hex nuts. Align the facets on the nuts so you can fit a 9⁄16 " socket over them. Now use a ratchet handle to adjust the tension quickly. To make things go fast, use a cordless drill to drive the socket.
With this arrangement, you won’t have to reach so high because the shaft doesn’t have to extend above the upper-wheel housing. But if you’re tall, you may want to use a threaded rod long enough to put the hex nuts above the housing, enabling you to spin the ratchet round and round.